03 August 2009

Red Phase: Week 2 - Day 1

Not much happened today as I spent most of it at sick call. It took forever since seemingly all of Ft. Sill has fallen ill. The evening was just prep for an 8K march tomorrow as we will be spending the next five days at the firing range. That should be a little more exciting. I can say that the most annoying thing about basic is the fact that the DSs aren't on the same page. We sometimes get conflicting instructions everyday. We spend more time trying to figure out what to do than we spend actually doing it. Which sucks when your number 1 goal is not to get yelled at or smoked. Case in point: we spent all day yesterday getting our wall lockers a certain way. At 7:00 pm, another Drill Sgt. comes by and tells us an entirely new way to do it and that we'll be inspected in the morning. The whole platoon argues about which way to do it. Two guys almost came to blows and then we never even got inspected. Gee, I love the Army.

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