13 August 2009

White Phase: Week 1 - Day 1

Hooray! We made it to white phase! Of course, our Drill Sgts informed us that, white phase or no white phase, they remain in control. We did learn that one new privilege is weekly access to the internet cafe. It'll be nice to check my pay statements and send email, even if it is only from my Dept. of the Army account. As far as today's events, we had a drill and ceremony competition this morning that I'm pretty sure we failed. I say this since both of our Drill Instructors see no need in devoting much time to drill and ceremony since it has no applicability to "the shit going down over there in Iraq, Privates". In the afternoon, we had our Period III inspection. This was odd since I don't recall our Period I or Period II inspections. Anyway, our platoon passed and I was really squared away as I didn't get gigged for anything. The worst part was standing at parade rest for about an hour. Hated it. Overall, not a bad start to white phase.

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