27 August 2009

White Phase: Week 2 - Day 6

All in all, this week has been pretty uneventful. We spent a couple of days in the field at the range. This is remarkable for only two reasons. One, we worked on buddy team bounding, covering fire, etc. Real soldiering skills. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I learned exactly how much I've grown. You know you've really broadened your horizons when you can comfortably move your bowels surrounded by 5 other guys. No wimpy stalls or partitions. Just you, a pot and 5 of your closest friends. Oh, how my world has changed. Then, today (Friday) we all got our second round of hepatitis shots and are cleaning. Can't you feel the excitement? Admit it, you thought the Army would be more exciting. It's amazing how quickly it has gone. I'm down to 27 days remaining in basic training. Some of those days are devoted to graduation rehearsal and turning in equipment. I can't say I'm sad about it, though. While I've settled into a routine, I'm still ready to get out of here.

1 comment:

Clay said...

Miss you bubba. I've been reading all your posts. Haven't forgotten you, yet, give it a couple more weeks and I may not know your name! I'll be happy when I can talk to you. Love you.